Saturday, September 10, 2011

By-pass Dailymotion explicit content filter

If you want to watch an "explicit content" video at but don't feel like creating a user just for that reason, here's what you do.

1. Go to the page that contains the video you want to see.

2. In the URL, replace the part that says "www" with "iphone".

For instance:

Now you'll have access to the iphone version of that same page. It's what you would see if you navigate to the first URL using an iPhone or iPod Touch.

3. Double click on the video thumbnail. This makes the video start loading. You might have to double click the image again to make it play.

4. Alternate between "play" and "pause" by double clicking the image.

That's all nice and good, but the problem is that the video box is super tiny. No problem! Keep reading...

5. Open "firebug".

6. Run a search or manually find the following code snippet "embed width=100" (without the "quotes").

7. Modify the width and height to be 1000 and 800 or something big like that.

8. Enjoy! (Note that this will show the video's original size and not stretched. It might be smaller than the regular non-iphone version of the page).

***Alternate Way***

Do steps 1 and 2.

3. View the source code for that page.

4. Run a search for the keyword "auth" (without the "quotes"). If should only throw back one result.

5. Copy the whole string that contains that keyword. It should look something like:
This link is NSFW!!

6. Paste that URL in a new tab.

This will get you a page that only contains the video. The beauty of it is that you can just go to "File - Save as" and download the file to your hard drive.
Note: If you erase the question mark and everything else after it in the step 5 URL, you won't be able to access the site as you don't have permish. I don't know if these tokens expire, so it could be probable that the above link would throw a 403 or 404 Status Code by the time you read this article.

Moral of the story 1: You don't have to be an elite hacker to bend a site into doing what you want.
Moral of the story 2: Even huge sites like Dailymotion have these stupid holes that allow users to get access to things they only want logged users to see.

Keep Rocking, Keep Hacking

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